I love this game I just finished it today(November 26 2016) it the best game for iPhone Ive seen in a long time. The game is entertaining the level arent impossible its well thought out but I want to have more fun with this marvelous game!!!
Before you read my suggestions and must adds its not that I dont like this game its just I want to have more fun with it and I want it to be a popular better looking gaming experiences for the future generations!!!!!!!
1. during some small cutscenes the alien it stiff especially its tail
2. Make the transitions between cutscenes smoother
3. Add more realistic graphic for some scenes where its totally unrealistic
4. Add a side mission to alien mission 3
5. If you do a update dont be the stupid people that make it only compatible with new iPhones/pads
Cause Im have a iPhone 4 so I would like ton sable to keep playing this game for years to come
6. Add more backstory to the game and events
7. Also dont be one of those stupid people where they change every little thing (like iTunes) until its completely reorganization and you cant find anything
8. If theres runner aliens there must have been dogs around right but do t add dogs you just make it sad and I hate it when dogs die in games or movies or books
9. You dont need or have to do this one!
Make marine/robot campaign like in the recent avp game
Things you must add:
1. make way to the take off your armor mask and plasma gun so your like yourself at the beginning(with no mask gun or armor on)
2. For the alien do a net head armor
3. Make a level where if your the alien you fight your predator or vise versa
like the scene in the beginning were you see your alien or predator
Do that but were they fight
4. Add elder predator armor please
5. Tie in Weyland Yutani as boss or a cutscene character
6. Make a way to get the queen armor
7. Do a join with local players thing
8. Make the tracker and falconer more powerful because there super predators like the berserker
9. Make way to have a super predator face and body like starting armor but super predator
10. Make level where to start as a face hugger, infect, go to chest buster then grow and survive as long you can
The longer you live you change armors up and up and up until you are the queen
11. Do the same with the predator but you dont change your armor you find new armor
13. Add a 4th execution(swipe down) to the predator wrist blade where flips them over on their stomach and grabs their spine and pulls it right out of their back
Like in the movies
14. Do something with the alien when its near the hive resin it can curl up and hide in it like in Aliens
15. When you Infect(slap a facehugger on there face) as a executions after a minute or so theres a chest buster following you then after another minute or so it turns into a alien drone and it helps you fight
16. Add a level or something where you can create your own hive and it saves so you dont have to restart every time but you can if you want
17. Make a level like the alien hive one I suggested but with predator and you can
design your own trophy room is in your own ship and fight invading super predators
18. Add bazooka troops/ enemy
19. Make enemy predator have a sorted weapons like to whip the staff the disc the net gun the plasma gun to make them more dangerous and unpredictable but dont make the same ones have the same weapon combinations
Spice it up a bit make the weapon combinations random
20. The last suggestion for now!!!!!!
Add a classic predator setting level
In the jungle hunting mercenary hired by the Weyland Yutani corporation to find and kill you but you kill them
Give the enemy powerful machine guns shotguns rifles you name it
Please make a hunt worthy of a
I hope you listen to my suggestion and must Adds
Great job and thank you(I am a huge AVP fan) for making this majestic and TOTALLY AWESOME GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. Dont make anything cost money to do you update
Etharnyus about
AVP: Evolution, v3.0